Curated information, answers, clinical advice, and tips for those living with recurrent UTIs.
UTI or Yeast Infection: What’s the Difference?
You know something is wrong, but it can be even more maddening when you don’t know the direct cause. It’s no wonder; urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and sexually-transmitted infections all have similar symptoms. All the more reason to know what symptoms are clear indicators of the specific infection to help seek the proper treatment and much needed relief.
LETTER TO EDITOR: Physicians Respond to Woman’s 8 year UTI Diagnosis Journey
Recently we published a patient experience detailing a young woman’s 8-year journey to the discovery of an embedded UTI and the role that advanced diagnostics played in discovering answers. Two clinicians reached out to express their support and thanks for her coming forward and putting a voice to patients they see every day looking for relief.
After 8 Years of Recurrent, Severe UTIs: A Young Woman Knows the Cause
After 8 years of no answers, Sierra had her test results in just 48 hours: she was diagnosed with a chronic embedded infection, the result of a bacterial biofilm, within her bladder.
Frequent UTIs: What Not to Do
Without knowing it, you may be irritating your bladder enough to make it an open house for the bacteria. By making a few changes in your daily behavior, you may be able to prevent future infections and keep from aggravating the current infection.
PHYSICIAN SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Marcy Abel Talks Painful Bladder Syndrome & UTIs
Dr. Marcy Abel addresses the use of advanced urinary tract infection testing for women with a history of negative cultures, but with continued symptoms. She shares why full patient history of symptoms and a level of clinical expertise is vital.
Home Remedies for Frequent UTIs: How To Treat and Prevent Them From Coming Back
Suffering from symptoms of a UTI – these home remedies may help treat and prevent future infections.
When to Call Your Doctor: UTI Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore
UTI symptoms you do not want to ignore. Talking to your healthcare provider about testing and treatment.
Meet the MyUTI Team
Learn more about our co-founders, our mission, where we started, and where we’re going.